Breakfast Challenge Testimonials

For ten days in August 2016, 14 participants took the Suppers "Breakfast Challenge." They shared their experiences through a reply-all email curated by Suppers facilitator, Doreen, who kept everyone on track and engaged during the experiment. Here are some of the results reported by participants:
I learned that I am not particularly mindful about what I eat or how I feel afterwards; learning to be more conscious of what I eat, meal planning and present at each meal, as well as, slowing down when I eat.
The biggest surprise for me was how unconscious my eating habits are and how it takes effort to make healthier choices.
I plan to utilize Suppers recipes to make my life easier and to plan ahead to be sure that I have lots of healthy choices.
I would absolutely recommend the breakfast challenge and hope to participate again with the new information I’ve learned this time.
I learned a few new recipes. Also that steel cut oats are just as bad for my BG as instant. Legumes are better for my BG than eating a slice of multigrain bread. The biggest surprise for me was the Turkey/Cabbage stew was a BG suppressant (BG went down).
I plan to cook more and have leftovers ready in advance for breakfast. My best breakfasts are eggs (knew this already), the Turkey/Cabbage stew and leftovers from the prior night's dinner!
Thanks for the encouraging way to get more data about our bodies and learn new recipes!
The experiment encouraged me to do more before/after testing as I add new foods to my repertoire. I had gotten into a rut with certain foods that I "knew worked" but I see that I can expand on that and still stay in range with more variety and interest to meals. It's important also to have ones that are quick to prepare, since that's when I tend to indulge in improper eating. Having a stock of prepared ones that I can just reheat in the microwave will help.
This Suppers thing has really made me pay a lot more attention to what I eat and take more responsibility for its impact on me. I always thought of myself as a healthy eater as well as someone who can eat anything and be fine, but now I'm noticing how much better I feel in my mind and body when I eat 'cleaner' foods.