Karen and Dor's Wednesday Lunch for Stable Blood Sugar, Princeton (monthly) (DW001)

This meeting welcomes anyone who wants to use whole food to stabilize their blood sugar and mood chemistry. The meeting is appropriate for anyone with diabetes, pre-diabetes, low blood sugar, and weight concerns. Sometimes we have guest presenters or chefs. The food is always delicious. 

Every 4th Wednesday. We prepare food from 11:30 to 12:30, eat and meet 12:30 to 1:30. 

Menu: Omnivore.

Karen is a Certified Health and Nutrition Coach who empowers people living with diabetes and other blood sugar issues to take control of their health and proactively manage their blood sugars. Having lived with type 1 diabetes for 18 years, her coaching comes from a place of compassion and empathy for those living with chronic disease. In addition to Suppers, Karen leads a Princeton branch of another non-profit support group for women with diabetes, Diabetes Sisters.

Dor is the Founder of The Suppers Programs and a facilitator of numerous meetings. The Suppers program design reflects her combining of counseling models learned in a Masters in Counseling program at The College of New Jersey, her background in garden-based education, her passion for preparing delicious food, and her respect for the wisdom and longevity of the 12-step process. Prior to Suppers, Dorothy was the president of the board of the Foundation for the Advancement of Innovative Medicine in New York and a holistic health care practitioner in Princeton.

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