Bequests: Wills and Living Trusts

Giving to Suppers through your will or living trust is often referred to as a “bequest.” A bequest from your estate may include cash, securities, real estate, and/or personal property. It can be for a specific amount or for a percentage of your estate. 

How Do I Make A Bequest To Suppers?

If you are writing your will or living trust, you will need to include specific language that correctly identifies your support of Suppers. If you already have a will, you can add a codicil or amendment to your existing estate plan. Or, if you already have a living trust, you would simply modify the language, directing your trustee to make the desired distributions. Suppers can offer you specific language to use for your bequest. 

Below are some types of bequests you may consider. You might discuss them with your attorney as you prepare to update your will.

Residuary bequest: This is a gift of all the “rest, residue and remainder” of your estate after all other bequests, debts and taxes have been paid.

Unrestricted bequest: This is a gift for general purposes, to be used at the discretion of our board of trustees. A gift like this is frequently the most useful, as it allows us to determine the wisest and most pressing need for the funds at the time of receipt.

Restricted bequest: This type of gift allows you to specify how the funds are to be used. Perhaps you have a special purpose or project in mind. If so, it’s best to consult us when you make your will to be certain your intent can be carried out.

Honorary or memorial bequest: This is a gift given “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone. We are pleased to honor your request and have many ways to grant appropriate recognition.

Notify Suppers Of Your Bequest

We hope you’ll tell us when you have named The Suppers Programs in your will. We’d like the opportunity to thank you for your generosity. If you prefer to remain anonymous, your gift will be kept completely confidential.

To enable Suppers to better plan and to recognize those friends who have made bequests, we ask that you email to complete a Bequest Intention Form.