Chocolate Protein Balls

Makes about 14-16 one-inch balls; serving size is two balls for a snack, four for breakfast.

Source: Nourishing Gurus


1⁄2 cup
plain protein powder (pumpkin seed protein powder works well)
1⁄4 teaspoon
3 tablespoons
unsweetened dark cocoa powder or cacao
2 tablespoons
maple syrup
1⁄4 cup
almond butter
2 tablespoons
coconut oil

Additional Notes

PROTEIN POWDER: For this recipe you want to use a PLAIN powder with no added sweeteners. Our preference is Pumpkin Seed Protein for the kids (Omega Nutrition OR Jarrow brand). For a more grown up taste we favor hemp protein powder.


Combine all dry ingredients in a small bowl. Add wet ingredients to the bowl and mix thoroughly until well combined. Use a tablespoon to scoop batter and roll into balls with your hands. You can serve as is or refrigerate before serving. These will also keep in the freezer and can be eaten right from the freezer.  (Recipeā™¦282)

Dietary Preferences: