Paleo In Its Many Forms... with Book List

Compiled by Karen Rose Tank and Dor Mullen

The word "Paleo" comes up often in Suppers meetings. It's confusing because the word has its own definition and many writers include "Paleo" in the titles of their proprietary eating plans.  

At Suppers we have only one bias when we try to define which foods are healthy for any particular individual: Avoid processed food. Once you eliminate processed foods, the work that remains is experimenting with single, whole, fresh ingredients to figure out which work best for you. So, in a sense, ALL of Suppers food emphasizes "old" or even "ancient" foods, foods that predate processing. In most of the Paleo systems, the allowable ingredients include the modern versions of foods that pre-date the agricultural revolution and introduction of cultivated grains and legumes, and dairy. The theory is that if our bodies evolved without these cultivated foods, they are not easily digested and can often cause inflammation. Menus at meetings will virtually always have generous amounts of colorful vegetables -- the one category on which virtually all of the systems agree. Most vegetables will be low in carbohydrates and high in fiber along with moderate amounts of meat/fish protein sources.

The benefits of Paleo are believed to include optimizing blood sugar and brain health and reducing potentially various inflammatory conditions related to food.

For Karen, someone who has been living with type 1 diabetes for 23 years, exploring the various forms of Paleo eating has helped her find her way to the foods that enable improved blood glucose numbers and weight management. With these goals in mind, Karen is an advocate of the Low Carb Paleo approach.

Reducing the amount of starchy high carbohydrate foods, such as all grains (not just gluten grains), beans, white potatoes, dried fruit and other high sugar fruit, enables Karen to take less insulin to manage her blood sugar. Since carbohydrate counting is not an exact science for most whole, real foods that do not come with a label, it can be challenging to dose insulin with exact precision. Thus, “The Law of Low Numbers,” as coined by Dr. Richard K Bernstein, comes into play… the fewer carbohydrates you eat, the less insulin your body requires, and the lower the chance that your blood sugar will spike super high or crash extremely low. Plus, the less insulin required by your body to manage blood sugar, the less opportunity for excess glucose to be stored by insulin as fat, thus assisting with weight loss.

This is not a no-carb approach, but rather a low-carb one. It includes low sugar fruit such as most berries with their high fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrient content. A no-carb style is more in line with the Keto or Ketogenic approach that is lower in carbs and higher in fats with similar amounts of protein. Note that half of your protein consumption will turn into glucose over a 3-4 hour digestion process. Thus, protein eaten in excess can actually raise your blood sugar. While this occurs at a very slow rate and is often not noticed, large protein portion servings can lead to increased blood sugar.

Following the Plate-Method, where you divide your plate into four quadrants, an illustration of the low carb Paleo eating style suggests one-quarter of your plate with a portion of animal, fish or egg protein and one-half to three-quarters of your plate filled with low carb/high fiber vegetables. The remaining one-quarter to one-eighth of the plate can contain a small portion of starchier vegetables or fruits such as winter squash, beets, sweet potatoes, berries, a small apple, a kiwi, a small orange or other lower sugar fruit.

Eliminating grains and flours can create a challenge for people who are used to baked goods and breads. Many Paleo approaches include the use of almond, coconut and flax meal “flours” to bake with in addition to a wide range of other seeds and tree nuts. At Suppers we have experimented quite extensively with making crackers, breads, wraps, crepes, pie crusts, and muffins out of nuts and seeds.

Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) is an even stricter version of Paleo that is sometimes recommended for people with autoimmune diagnoses who want to identify inflammatory foods. The assumption is that they need to heal their gut mucosa to get healthy. This is often combined with recommendations for “low FODMAP,” another strict elimination program developed for people with digestive issues and autoimmunity at Monash University in Australia. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccarides and Polyols, which are short-chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols that are poorly absorbed by the body, resulting in abdominal pain and bloating.

Ketogenic is an approach that is very low in carbohydrates (20 grams of carbs per day), moderate in protein, and high in fat, emphasizing most calories from fat, plus lots of low carb/high fiber vegetables. Benefits include helping people normalize blood sugar, heal leaky gut, lose weight, and stabilize neurological and brain chemistry and lower triglycerides. Following a Ketogenic eating style may also help reduce your appetite due to the satiety effect of the fats eaten, and therefore assist in weight loss. Inflammation, arthritis, autoimmune conditions, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and fatty liver may all also be improved.

Intermittent Fasting (IM) is based not as much on which foods to eat, but rather on when to eat them. Fasting is not about starving yourself. Rather, it is about extending the time period between meals and eating within a specific period of time. Variations on IM can range from going 12 to 18 hours between your evening meal and your first meal of the day, alternate-day fasting or extended periods of fasting. Benefits of IM include weight loss, improved memory, brain health and mood, protection from diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes, and lower cholesterol. During fasting periods, your body utilizes all available glucose in the blood stream, the main source of energy from food. Without glucose, your body switches over to burning fat for fuel in the process called ketosis.

The following is a list of books and resources compiled for Suppers by Karen. The book summaries are take from the website.

Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars, 4th Edition, Richard K. Bernstein, MD. 2011.

Originally published in 1997, Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution is a unique resource that covers both adult- and childhood-onset diabetes, explains step-by-step how to normalize blood sugar levels and prevent or reverse complications, and offers detailed guidelines for establishing a treatment plan. Readers will find fifty gourmet recipes, in addition to a comprehensive discussion of diet, obesity, and new drugs to curb carbohydrate craving and overeating.

Now in its fourth edition, the book presents up-to-the-minute information on insulin resistance, blood-testing devices, measuring blood sugar, new types of insulin, gastroparesis and other issues, as well as updated diet guidelines. Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution is the one book every diabetic must own.

Master Your Diabetes: A Comprehensive, Integrative Approach for Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, Dr. Mona Morstein, ND, DHANP, Founder and Executive Director of the Low Carb Diabetes Association, creator of Diamend supplement. 2017.

The evidence is clear: We are in the midst of a worldwide diabetes epidemic. In the United States alone, one in three Americans is either diabetic (29 million patients) or prediabetic (87 million patients), costing an annual $242 billion in medical treatments.

In Master Your Diabetes, naturopathic physician and diabetes expert Dr. Mona Morstein shows how people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can gain and maintain excellent control of their blood sugar levels, preventing and even reversing existing complications through education combined with medical support and encouragement. This is the first comprehensive guide for patients, caregivers, and medical practitioners to demonstrate an integrative approach based on the “eight essentials” of treatment and prevention: a low-carb diet, exercise, good sleep, stress management, healing the gut, detoxification, supplementation, and medications.

Topics covered include:

  • Important physical exams and lab work
  • Conventional diets and non-insulin medications
  • Insulin
  • Low-carb diets and how they apply to different food groups
  • Lifestyle factors, including exercise, stress management, and the microbiome
  • Diabetic supplementation
  • Pediatric diabetes

An indispensable resource, Master Your Diabetes will empower readers to take control of their condition and continue living full, active, enjoyable, and long lives.

The Blood Sugar Solution: The UltraHealthy Program for Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Feeling Great Now!, Mark Hyman, MD. 2014.

Dr. Mark Hyman reveals that the secret to losing weight and preventing not just diabetes but also heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancer is balanced insulin levels. Dr. Hyman describes the seven keys to achieving wellness -- nutrition, hormones, inflammation, digestion, detoxification, energy metabolism, and a calm mind -- and explains his revolutionary six-week healthy-living program. With advice on diet, green living, supplements and medication, exercise, and personalizing the plan for optimal results, this book also teaches readers how to maintain lifelong health. Groundbreaking and timely, The Blood Sugar Solution is the fastest way to lose weight, prevent disease, and feel better than ever.

The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast, Mark Hyman, MD. 2014.

The key to losing weight and keeping it off is maintaining low insulin levels. Based on Dr. Hyman's groundbreaking Blood Sugar Solution program, The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet presents strategies for reducing insulin levels and producing fast and sustained weight loss. Dr. Hyman explains how to: activate your natural ability to burn fat -- especially belly fat; reduce inflammation; reprogram your metabolism; shut off your fat-storing genes; de-bug your digestive system; create effortless appetite control; and soothe the stress to shed the pounds. With practical tools designed to achieve optimum wellness, including meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists, as well as step-by-step, easy-to-follow advice on green living, supplements, medication, exercise, and more, The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet is the fastest way to lose weight, prevent disease, and feel your best.

The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss, Jason Fung, MD. 2016.

Fung zeroes in on why insulin resistance has become so prevalent and offers specific outside-the-box solutions that have emerged as the key to maximizing health.

Everything you believe about how to lose weight is wrong. Weight gain and obesity are driven by hormones -- in everyone -- and only by understanding the effects of insulin and insulin resistance can we achieve lasting weight loss. In this highly readable and provocative book, Dr. Jason Fung sets out an original, robust theory of obesity that provides startling insights into proper nutrition. In addition to his five basic steps, a set of lifelong habits that will improve your health and control your insulin levels, Dr. Fung explains how to use intermittent fasting to break the cycle of insulin resistance and reach a healthy weight -- for good.

The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally, Jason Fung, MD. 2018.

Dr. Jason Fung forever changed the way we think about obesity with his best-selling book, The Obesity Code. Now he has set out to do the same for type 2 diabetes.

Today, most doctors, dietitians, and even diabetes specialists consider type 2 diabetes to be a chronic and progressive disease -- a life sentence with no possibility of parole. But the truth, as Dr. Fung reveals in this paradigm-shifting book, is that type 2 diabetes is reversible. Writing with clear, persuasive language, he explains why conventional treatments that rely on insulin or other blood-glucose-lowering drugs can actually exacerbate the problem, leading to significant weight gain and even heart disease. The only way to treat type 2 diabetes effectively, he argues, is proper dieting and intermittent fasting -- not medication.

The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting, Jason Fung, MD with Jimmy Moore. 2016.

Thousands of books have been written about the latest and greatest diets that will help people lose weight and improve health. But a key element in any successful nutritional health program is a tried-and-true method that most people haven’t thought about -- yet it could be revolutionary for taking health to the next level. This ancient secret is fasting.

Fasting is not about starving oneself. When done right, it’s an incredibly effective therapeutic approach that produces amazing results regardless of diet plan. In fact, Toronto-based nephrologist Dr. Jason Fung has used a variety of fasting protocols with more than 1,000 patients, with fantastic success. In The Complete Guide to Fasting, he has teamed up with international bestselling author and veteran health podcaster Jimmy Moore to explain what fasting is really about, why it’s so important, and how to fast in a way that improves health. Together, they make fasting as a therapeutic approach both practical and easy to understand.

The Complete Guide to Fasting explains:

  • why fasting is actually good for health
  • who can benefit from fasting (and who won’t)
  • the history of fasting
  • the various ways to fast: intermittent, alternate-day, and extended fasting
  • what to expect when starting to fast
  • how to track progress while fasting
  • the weight loss effects of fasting
  • how to ward off potential negative effects from fasting

The book also provides tools to help readers get started and get through their fasts, including a 7-Day Kick-Start Fasting Plan and healing liquid recipes.

Practical Paleo, 2nd Edition (Updated and Expanded): A Customized Approach to Health and a Whole-Foods Lifestyle, Diane Sanfilippo, BS. NC. 2016.

With more than half a million copies sold, the first edition of Practical Paleo revolutionized the way we think about food and our bodies. Dubbed “The Paleo Bible” by readers, it explained how simply eating real, whole foods and avoiding processed, refined foods can improve our health -- including reducing or even eliminating symptoms associated with common health disorders.

Now, this second edition has been updated to include new information, answer common questions, and make it even easier for you to customize your diet to meet your personal health goals.

TWO ENTIRELY NEW CHAPTERS: “Getting Started with Paleo” shows you step by step how to switch to the Paleo way of eating, whether you want to go all-in all at once or transition gradually over time. This chapter also includes a a more comprehensive explanation of the 4R Protocol, which walks you through removing harmful foods, repairing the gut, reinoculating with beneficial bacterial, and reintroducing foods that were previously eliminated. “Living the Paleo Lifestyle” offers tips and suggestions for navigating holidays and parties, talking to friends and family about Paleo, getting your kids involved in the kitchen, and much more.

3 NEW 30-DAY MEAL PLANS: The new meal plans provide guidance for addressing common health concerns: Adrenal Health (stress management), Healthy Hormones (for both women and men), and Liver Detox Support.

The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook: An Allergen-Free Approach to Managing Chronic Illness (US Version), Mickey Trescott. 2014.

Autoimmune diseases are now epidemic, with modern science offering those who are diagnosed limited solutions. Given this, many people suffering from these conditions have searched for alternatives using nutrition and lifestyle changes. In The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, Mickey Trescott provides a resource for those looking to embark on the Autoimmune Protocol -- a version of an ancestral diet that is focused both on removing potential food triggers as well as healing the gut. Research shows there is a clear connection between diet and autoimmune disease, and many, including the author, have used these principles to heal their bodies from these debilitating conditions and their accompanying symptoms. With the information and recipes in this book, you can embark on this process for yourself -- without suffering through bland and tasteless "allergen-free" meals. Instead, with all of the incredible food you will be enjoying, you may forget that you are achieving better wellness!

In the first section of the book, you will learn all about the Autoimmune Protocol -- what it is, why it works, and which foods you should eat and avoid while on the elimination diet. Instructions are given on how to clear your pantry of questionable ingredients and replace them with healing, nutrient-dense whole foods. Also included are sections on food quality, a shopping guide, tips and tricks to make the protocol go more smoothly, as well as ideas for batch-cooking and breakfast. Mickey provides two, 4-week meal plans, each of them corresponding with recipes from the book and featuring detailed shopping lists. Armed with this information, anyone can integrate the Autoimmune Protocol into their routine!

In addition to the introductory material, The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook includes 112 delicious recipes suitable for anyone on the strictest phase of the Autoimmune Protocol -- no grains, beans, dairy, eggs, nuts, seeds, or nightshades. Although this is quite the list of exclusions, Mickey offers unique, flavorful, and delicious meals suitable for a variety of occasions and preferences. You will find simple recipes that anyone can make for a weeknight dinner, as well as more elaborate preparations for those who want to enjoy with company or for a special occasion. Full-page photos for every recipe show you what to expect and inspire you to create beautiful meals of your own.

The Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom, Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig. 2015.

Millions of people visit every month and share their dramatic life-changing testimonials. Since 2009, Melissa Hartwig’s critically-acclaimed Whole30 program has quietly led hundreds of thousands of people to effortless weight loss and better health -- along with stunning improvements in sleep quality, energy levels, mood, and self-esteem. The program accomplishes all of this by specifically targeting people’s habits and emotional relationships with food. The Whole30 is designed to help break unhealthy patterns of behavior, stop stress-related comfort eating, and reduce cravings, particularly for sugar and carbohydrates. Many Whole30 participants have described achieving “food freedom” -- in just thirty days.
Now, The Whole30 offers a stand-alone, step-by-step plan to break unhealthy habits, reduce cravings, improve digestion, and strengthen your immune system. The Whole30 prepares participants for the program in five easy steps, previews a typical thirty days, teaches the basic meal preparation and cooking skills needed to succeed, and provides a month’s worth of recipes designed to build confidence in the kitchen and inspire the taste buds. Motivating and inspiring with just the right amount of signature tough love, The Whole30 features real-life success stories, an extensive quick-reference FAQ, detailed elimination and reintroduction guidelines, and more than 100 recipes using familiar ingredients, from simple one-pot meals to complete dinner party menus.

It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways, Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig. 2014.

It Starts With Food outlines a clear, balanced, sustainable plan to change the way you eat forever -- and transform your life in profound and unexpected ways. Your success story begins with the Whole30, Dallas and Melissa Hartwig’s powerful 30-day nutritional reset. Since 2009, their underground Whole30 program has quietly led tens of thousands of people to weight loss, enhanced quality of life, and a healthier relationship with food -- accompanied by stunning improvements in sleep, energy levels, mood, and self-esteem. More significant, many people have reported the “magical” elimination of a variety of symptoms, diseases, and conditions in just 30 days. 

Now, Dallas and Melissa detail not just the “how” of the Whole30, but also the “why,” summarizing the science in a simple, accessible manner. It Starts With Food reveals how specific foods may be having negative effects on how you look, feel, and live -- in ways that you’d never associate with your diet. More important, they outline their lifelong strategy for eating Good Food in one clear and detailed action plan designed to help you create a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, calm systemic inflammation, and put an end to unhealthy cravings, habits, and relationships with food. 

Infused with the Hartwigs’ signature wit, tough love, and common sense, It Starts With Food is based on the latest scientific research and real-life experience, and includes testimonials, a detailed shopping guide, a meal-planning template, a Meal Map with creative, delicious recipes, and much more.


Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond Paleo for Total Health and a Longer Life, Nora T. Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT. 2011.

Combining your body’s Paleolithic needs with modern nutritional and medical research for complete mind-body wellness:

  • Provides sustainable diet strategies to curb sugar cravings, promote fat burning and weight loss, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep and moods, increase energy and immunity, and enhance memory and brain function. 
  • Shows how our modern diet leads to weight gain and “diseases of civilization” -- such as cancer, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and ADD. 
  • Explains how diet affects the brain, hormone balance, and the aging process and the crucial role of vitamin D in cancer and disease prevention. 

Examining the healthy lives of our pre-agricultural Paleolithic ancestors and the marked decline in stature, bone density, and dental health and the increase in birth defects, malnutrition, and disease following the implementation of the agricultural lifestyle, Nora Gedgaudas shows how our modern grain- and carbohydrate-heavy low-fat diets are a far cry from the high-fat, moderate-protein hunter-gatherer diets we are genetically programmed for, leading not only to lifelong weight gain but also to cravings, mood disorders, cognitive problems, and “diseases of civilization” -- such as cancer, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance), heart disease, and mental illness. 

Applying modern discoveries to the basic hunter-gatherer diet, she culls from vast research in evolutionary physiology, biochemistry, metabolism, nutrition, and chronic and degenerative disease to unveil a holistic lifestyle for true mind-body health and longevity. Revealing the primal origins and physiological basis for a high-fat, moderate-protein, starch-free diet and the importance of adequate omega-3 intake -- critical to our brain and nervous system but sorely lacking in most people’s diets -- she explains the nutritional problems of grains, gluten, soy, dairy, and starchy vegetables; which natural fats promote health and which (such as canola oil) harm it; the crucial role of vitamin D in cancer and disease prevention; the importance of saturated fat and cholesterol; and how diet affects mental health, memory, cognitive function, hormonal balance, and cellular aging. With step-by-step guidelines, recipes, and meal recommendations, this book offers sustainable strategies for a primally based, yet modern approach to diet and exercise to reduce stress and anxiety, lose weight, improve sleep and mood, increase energy and immunity, enhance brain function, save money on groceries, and live longer and happier.

The Paleo Answer: 7 Days to Lose Weight, Feel Great, Stay Young, Loren Cordain, Ph.D., Founder of the Paleo Movement. 2012.

How to take the Paleo Diet to the max for optimal weight loss and total health -- from bestselling author and top Paleo expert Dr. Loren Cordain. Dr. Loren Cordain's best-selling The Paleo Diet and The Paleo Diet Cookbook have helped hundreds of thousands of people eat for better health and weight loss by following the diet humans were genetically designed to eat: meats, fish, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and other foods that mimic the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors. In The Paleo Answer, he shows you how to supercharge the Paleo Diet for optimal lifelong health and weight loss. Featuring a new prescriptive 7-day plan and surprising revelations from the author's original research, this is the most powerful Paleo guide yet. 

  • Based on the author's groundbreaking research on Paleolithic diet and lifestyle
  • Includes a new 7-day plan with recommended meals, exercise routines, lifestyle tips, and supplement recommendations
  • Reveals fascinating findings from the author's research over the last decade, such as why vegan and vegetarian diets are not healthy and why dairy, soy products, potatoes, and grains can be harmful to our health
  • Includes health and weight-loss advice for all Paleo dieters -- women, men, and people of all ages -- and is invaluable for CrossFitters and other athletes
  • Written by Dr. Loren Cordain, the world's leading expert on Paleolithic eating styles and internationally regarded as the founder of the Paleo movement

Whether you've been following a Paleo-friendly diet and want to take it to the next level or are just discovering the benefits of going Paleo, this book will help you follow the Paleo path to the fullest -- for lifelong health, increased energy, better sleep, lower stress and weight loss.

The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Food You Were Designed to Eat, Loren Cordain, Ph.D. 2010.

Eat for better health and weight loss the Paleo way with this revised edition of the bestselling guide-over 100,000 copies sold to date!

Healthy, delicious, and simple, the Paleo Diet is the diet we were designed to eat. If you want to lose weight -- up to 75 pounds in six months -- or if you want to attain optimal health, The Paleo Diet will work wonders. Dr. Loren Cordain demonstrates how, by eating your fill of satisfying and delicious lean meats and fish, fresh fruits, snacks, and non-starchy vegetables, you can lose weight and prevent and treat heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome, and many other illnesses. 

  • Breakthrough nutrition program based on eating the foods we were genetically designed to eat-lean meats and fish and other foods that made up the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors
  • This revised edition features new weight-loss material and recipes plus the latest information drawn from breaking Paleolithic research
  • Six weeks of Paleo meal plans to jumpstart a healthy and enjoyable new way of eating as well as dozens of recipes
  • This bestselling guide written by the world's leading expert on Paleolithic eating has been adopted as a bible of the CrossFit movement

The Paleo Diet is the only diet proven by nature to fight disease, provide maximum energy, and keep you naturally thin, strong, and active-while enjoying every satisfying and delicious bite.

The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles, Terry Wahls, MD. Founder of the Wahls Foundation with Eve Adamason. 2014.

An integrative approach to healing chronic autoimmune conditions by a doctor, researcher, and sufferer of progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) whose TEDx talk is already a web sensation.
Like many physicians, Dr. Terry Wahls focused on treating her patients’ ailments with drugs or surgical procedures -- until she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2000. Within three years, her back and stomach muscles had weakened to the point where she needed a tilt-recline wheelchair. Conventional medical treatments were failing her, and she feared that she would be bedridden for the rest of her life.
Dr. Wahls began studying the latest research on autoimmune disease and brain biology, and decided to get her vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids from the food she ate rather than pills and supplements. Dr. Wahls adopted the nutrient-rich Paleo diet, gradually refining and integrating it into a regimen of neuromuscular stimulation. First, she walked slowly, then steadily, and then she biked eighteen miles in a single day. In November 2011, Dr. Wahls shared her remarkable recovery in a TEDx talk that immediately went viral. Now, in The Wahls Protocol, she shares the details of the protocol that allowed her to reverse many of her symptoms, get back to her life, and embark on a new mission: to share the Wahls Protocol with others suffering from the ravages of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune conditions.

Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers, David Perlmutter, MD with Kristin Loberg. 2018.

When Grain Brain was first published in 2013, Dr. Perlmutter kick-started a revolution. Since then, his book has been translated into 34 languages, and more than 1.5 million readers have been given the tools to make monumental life-changing improvements to their health. 

Grain Brain empowers you to take control of your wellbeing as never before. Inside, you'll learn how to: 

  • lose weight
  • banish anxiety
  • beat depression
  • reduce -- and even eliminate -- chronic conditions
  • safeguard yourself against cognitive decline and neurological disease
  • improve the health of your microbiome
  • and much more -- all without drugs! 

In this fully revised, five-year-anniversary edition, Dr. Perlmutter builds on his mission. Drawing on the latest developments in scientific research, which have further validated his recommendations, he explains how the Grain Brain program boosts the brain, shows the benefits of using fat as a main fuel source, and puts forth the most compelling evidence to date that a non-GMO, gluten-free, and low-carb diet is crucial for cognitive function and long-term health.

Featuring up-to-date data and practical advice based on leading-edge medicine, plus a wealth of new recipes, Grain Brain will give you all the tools you need to restore your health and achieve optimum wellness for lifelong vitality.

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, William Davis, MD. 2014.

Every day, over 200 million Americans consume food products made of wheat. As a result, over 100 million of them experience some form of adverse health effect, ranging from minor rashes and high blood sugar to the unattractive stomach bulges that preventive cardiologist William Davis calls "wheat bellies." According to Davis, that excess fat has nothing to do with gluttony, sloth, or too much butter: It's due to the whole grain wraps we eat for lunch.

After witnessing over 2,000 patients regain their health after giving up wheat, Davis reached the disturbing conclusion that wheat is the single largest contributor to the nationwide obesity epidemic -- and its elimination is key to dramatic weight loss and optimal health. In Wheat Belly, Davis exposes the harmful effects of what is actually a product of genetic tinkering and agribusiness being sold to the American public as "wheat" -- and provides readers with a user-friendly, step-by-step plan to navigate a new, wheat-free lifestyle.

Informed by cutting-edge science and nutrition, along with case studies from men and women who have experienced life-changing transformations in their health after waving goodbye to wheat, Wheat Belly is an illuminating look at what is truly making Americans sick and an action plan to clear our plates of this seemingly benign ingredient.

Keto Clarity: Your Definitive Guide to the Benefits of a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet, Jimmy Moore with Eric C. Westman, MD. 2014.

Leading health blogger Jimmy Moore and researcher and internist Dr. Eric C. Westman join forces again to explain the powerful therapeutic effects of a ketogenic diet -- one that combines a customized carbohydrate restriction, moderation of protein intake, and real food-based fats -- which is emerging in the scientific literature as a means for improving a wide range of diseases, from Type 2 diabetes to Alzheimer’s and more. Simply eating a low-carb diet alone isn’t enough, and Moore and Westman tell you why.

Have you looked at a low-carb diet simply as a means to lose weight? What if you learned that combining a low-carb nutritional approach with a high fat intake produces a powerful therapeutic effect on a wide variety of health conditions that most people think requires medication to control? That’s what Keto Clarity is all about.

Jimmy Moore, the world’s leading low-carb diet blogger and podcaster, has reunited with his Cholesterol Clarity coauthor Dr. Eric C. Westman, a practicing internist and low-carb diet researcher, to bring you the crystal-clear information you need to understand what a ketogenic diet is all about and why it may be the missing element in your pursuit of optimal health. This book includes exclusive interviews from twenty of the world’s foremost authorities from various fields bringing their depth of expertise and experience using this nutritional approach. Moore and Westman clearly explain why ketosis is normal, how this nutritional approach is being used therapeutically by many medical professionals, a step-by-step guide to help you produce more ketones and track your progress, real life success stories of people using a ketogenic diet, and more.

The solid evidence for nutritional ketosis in dealing with many of the chronic health problems of our day is presented, including: epilepsy, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), heartburn (GERD), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The good evidence for ketogenic diets is also shared in dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), Parkinson’s Disease, dementia, mental illness, schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, narcolepsy, and sleep disorders. Plus, you’ll get the details on the emerging science that is showing great promise in treating cancer, autism, migraines, chronic pain, brain injury, stroke, kidney disease and so much more.

Keto Clarity is your definitive guide to the benefits of a low-carb, high-fat diet. Full details on Jimmy Moore’s yearlong n=1 scientific experiment of nutritional ketosis, in which he used sophisticated blood testing technology to track and monitor his production of ketones and blood sugar to achieve rather remarkable effects on his weight and health, is also presented as well as food shopping lists, 25+ low-carb, high-fat recipes, and a 21-day meal plan to get you going on your ketogenic lifestyle change. Keto Clarity gives you a whole new perspective on the work that the late, great Dr. Robert C. Atkins started in earnest with his promotion of the low-carb approach beginning in the 1960s. That revolution continues boldly in this book designed to shift your paradigm on diet and health forever!

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